The Cathedral of Saint Paul is the house of God and a spiritual home for Catholics throughout the region. As the Mother Church of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, it holds the cathedra, or bishop's chair, and is recognized as the bishop's official church.
The Diocese of Saint Paul was established by the Vatican in 1850 and elevated to an Archdiocese in 1888. In 1966 the name was expanded to include Minneapolis. It serves a 12-county area, containing 222 parishes, with approximately 800,000 Catholics. There are currently over 400 priests and 1,400 religious sisters, brothers and deacons who serve in the parishes as well as many other ministries. Each year, thousands of Catholics throughout the diocese come to the Cathedral to celebrate the significant events in their faith lives. Confirmations, Ordinations, and the Rite of Election for catechumens who are entering the Church all occur at the Cathedral.
Night photo taken by Mitch of http://www.mitchster.com/ Thank you.